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Foundation For A Better World (Collaborator Edition)

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Product Details

This interactive E-book in development will not only assist you in researching the topics found in "Self-Protectorate: Blueprint For A Better World", but provides you the unique opportunity to contribute to the expansion of this work. Your purchase of this E-book in development not only grants you exclusive access to view this work in progress, but also offers you the opportunity to comment on each section of the book to directly interact with the author. This option allows you to be a contributor to this work moving forward. If selected for inclusion, any comments or original material from you which you provide may be used in the final publication of the audio, electronic, paperback, or hardcover copies of this book. If your work is selected by the author for inclusion in the final product, you will be contacted regarding contracts for royalties and/or profit sharing prior to publication. Purchase comes with three paperback print copies of "Self-Protectorate: Blueprint For A Better World", shipped directly to you, one signed by the author, the others to give to friends or family. Purchase also provides you with a slot for a 20 minute over-the-phone interview with the author (must be 18 years or older and a resident of the United States or Canada) which may be used in whole or in part in upcoming Self-Protectorate broadcasts to help promote your brand or products at the discretion of the owner. Be a contributor... research, study, and help the world see the benefits of Self-Protectorate as the alternative to Government.

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Foundation For A Better World (Collaborator Edition)
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